Researchers affiliated with the Algorithmic Governance Research Network currently take part in three large research projects funded by The Research Council of Norway. The Project Owner of all three projects is the Work Research Institute at OsloMet - Oslo Metropolitan University in Norway. The Algorithmic Governance Research Network was initially established with the support of the Work Research Institute and expanded over time, succesfully getting grants for larger projects. The network is also affiliated with the Journal of Extreme Anthropology. We hope that these research projects will give us the opportunity to not only explore some of the most pressing issues related to the digital transformation of governance, be it in police work, workplaces, or in anti-corruption, but also become a voice in the public debate.
To learn more about these projects please click below on the project of interest, visit our newsletter, and listen to our podcast
Algorithmic Governance and Cultures of Policing: Comparative Perspectives from Norway, India, Brazil, Russia, and South Africa
Luxury, Corruption and Global Ethics: Towards a Critical Cultural Theory of the Moral Economy of Fraud
Digital Prism and the Nordic Model of Workplace Democracy under Pressure
INSIDER (2024 - 2025)
National Security through Private Sector Regulation?
Critical Evaluation of Insider Threat Programs and Security Compliance in Current Geopolitical and Regulatory Context (INSIDER)