May 31, 2023CFP: Technology, Digitalization, and the Future of WorkTechnology, Digitalization, and the Future of Work DIGIWORK Conference Teesside University, UK 11 September 2023 9:00-16:30 Photo by...
Aug 9, 2022Guest Lecture by Gabriel Grill: The Politics of Protest and Labor Strike Prediction TechnologiesEvent location Oslo Metropolitan University Pilestredet Campus Pilestredet 35, Ellen Gleditschs hus, 2nd floor, Oslo Date/Time 22 August...
Dec 8, 2020Regulating Flexibility: Uber’s Platform as a Technological Work ArrangementNew article from the network, by Sigurd M. Nordli Oppegaard. Oppegaard, S. (2020). Regulating Flexibility: Uber’s Platform as a...